Cooking by radiation for a “vera pizza”

What is the secret of a good pizza? Its dough, say the experts.

And they are right: high-quality flour, yeast, exact proportions, precise kneading, fermentation time control, temperature and humidity… are crucial.

But there is also another key: the oven.

Wood fired! say the purists. Because the fire cooks by radiation (infra-red): browns the dough quickly preserving its  hydration. The ressult is a pizza crunchy outside and tasty inside with the characteristic dark dots in both sides.

However, wood fired ovens have disadvantatges: space, cost and a high-qualified staff constantly aware of the fire and the pizzas (put into, spin and take them out every few minutes)

This is why most of the pizzerias choose impingement ovens (conveyor or static ones) that cook by convention (air temperature): transmit heat trough air currents. But these dried out the pizzas.

Recently, radiant conveyor ovens that cook by radiation (like wood fired ovens) make the difference with their heat elements inside the cooking chamber, a source of energy nearly the same as the fire with less cost, space and high-qualified staff.

Moreover, although they are open (as the wood fired ones) they can ensure a regular cooking: no matter the number of the pizzas we put inside and no no need of spinning them at all.

Vía | Linkedin

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